For this assignment, the students were asked to select a social issue they wanted to represent in a painting. After selecting the issue, they were to apply several techniques they learned, including photo transfers, to create a mixed media painting. See if you can figure out the issues from looking at the paintings...

I really liked this project. The first painting on the front page was really good with the writing as the background. I also really like the one with the earth and hand. It was painted really well.CC
i LOVE!! megan steven's mix media project! her's is so good. i love all the writing in the backround. it must have taken forever! The pictures go with her topic really well. i wish i was good at art like she was. it's amazing. yup well everyone else's is really good too....k bye.
These projects are done very well. I really like the one with the hand and the glass, and also the one with the hand and the earth. They are all painted very well, and I can easily figure out the topics for all of them.
-Kayla M.
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