Nook Harquail

This fall the students were asked to complete a watercolor painting. If you have ever used watercolors, you know it is a very difficult medium to work with.
The students again showed me that if I set high standards, they will reach them.
Above are some examples of the student's success.
What lovely, vibrant watercolors!
I randomly decided to check out the blog to see if anything has been updated & when the page open the first thing out of my mouth was "WOW!". Those watercolors are amazing! I can't wait to see what's next!
ian't art great!?
An electric kiln is a heating chamber used to transform materials at high temperatures.
A kiln hardens ceramic bodies using a process invented thousands of years ago. Clay, when heated properly, becomes hard enough to form tiles and vessels. Glazes fired over the clay becomes a permanent decoration.
Billys Clay piece is mad good
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